In the article it is considered such key concepts as image and image policy, given own definition of “image of a region”, by which we mean a comprehensive view of the target audience about a region, which has developed spontaneously or under the influence of special applications of marketing activities, “tourist image of a region”, determined concept "factor", identified components of the tourist image of a region: objective (complex of competitive advantages and disadvantages that affect the overall competitiveness of a region ) and subjective (rating a region of its target audience) components. The results of scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists such as Ahanaeva V., Kuzhnyar V. Emelyanova N. and Chugunova O., J.I.Krouch, scientific and methodological work of experts from the World Economic Forum in Davos with the World Tourism Organization to identify the factors influencing on formation of region tourist image are analysed. In conclusion it is presented own marketing approach to identify image formation factors.


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