Among the existing imitation methods (Monte Carlo method, statistical modelling, game simulation, agent-based model, discrete modelling, models of system dynamics), we chose the concept of system dynamics created by Jay Forrester as the most suitable tool to model a system featuring dynamics, stochasticity, discrete continuity, nonlinearity. Incentives in hierarchical economic systems are considered to be the main factor in managing and distribution of inventory. Decision support system elaborated with Powersim software simplifies analyzing of possible scenarios to develop retail network. The most common functions to stimulate demand are considered: discount for each order, discount if order is above than set by center, stimulation with penalties and rewards, company's activity without stimulation. The graphs of their individual implementations are reflected. In this paper, we compared the results of the function of demand stimulation in terms of profitability, the amount of inventory and the amount of sales. Recommendations of usage stimulation in order of reaching the aim (inventory minimization, profit maximization, turnover maximization) are made.

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