Possibilities and limitations of explaining of the phenomenon of the institutional heterogenization of the socio-economic systems (SES) in conceptions of institutional matrices (IM), variety of capitalism (VoC), structural-functional complementarity of SES are considered. It is shown that teleologitions of conceptions of VoC for determinations of variants of economic development and heterogenizations are limiting by the term of existence and spheres (two opposite IM). As a results of the accent of VoC on the empiric methods of research it lose core reference-point of systematization of variants of models of capitalism and possibility of separation of institutional heterogenization, as process of convergence of different models of capitalism from divergence, as forming of new models. Advantages of conception of structural-functional complementarity of SES in determination of essence (combination in one model of institutional forms, which are based on the different social orientations of the valued systems) and mechanism (structural and functional co-operation of elements of institutional architectonics of SES) of heterogenization are exposed.


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