The article is devoted to investigation of personnel motivation to creativity in modern organizations. It is proposed to differentiate two groups of intrinsic motives. Process-oriented motives are launched in creative prosess per se, whereas result-oriented motives are associated with percieved positive consequences from participation in creative process. Granted by organization external motivators exert selective effect either on process-oriented motives or result-oriented motives. Supporting external motivators are directed onto forming favorable conditions for creative process and enhance process-oriented intrinsic motives. Rewarding external motivators are directed onto financial, status and emotional recognition of reached results and enhance result-oriented motives. General principles for building effective motivation systems in modern organizations are established as follows: relative autonomy of process-oriented and result-oriented motives, priority of process-oriented motives, directional action of external motivators, balance between external motivators, synergy of external motivators and individual sensitivity to external motivators.


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