The article operationalizes scientific enterprise as the one, which systematically uses scientific and technical body of knowledge, develops and applies leading industrial technologies, commercializes R&D, creates new high-tech goods with high added value to ensure stable competitive advantages. Different approaches to defining “knowledge management” are analyzed. The goal of knowledge management of science intensive enterprise is creation of favorable conditions for generation, expansion and application of knowledge in order to ensure stable competitive advantages of this enterprise. Tasks and functions of knowledge management at the enterprise are developed in accordance with the goal. The list of principles of knowledge management is expanded according to special features of science intensive enterprise. The threats of implementing knowledge management at an enterprise are outlined. The main problems of implementing the system of knowledge management are: vague copyrights, opportunistic attitude of the employees, necessity of the knowledge protection system for the enterprise. Since the key components of knowledge of science intensive enterprise are science-technical knowledge, results of science and technical creative work, the article develops the algorithm of management of scientific and technical knowledge developed at the enterprise.


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