The article examines the current world trends of innovations for development of enterprises. The main characteristics of innovations for development of the leading countries of the world are listed and three models of innovations for development, which became widespread in the U.S., Europe and Japan, are considered at the beginning of the paper. The most important features of state regulation of the innovation process in different countries were also pointed out. Integration of science and production, which comes itself through in the form of industrial parks, technopolises and business incubators, was defined as one of the main trends of innovations for development. The current state of innovation in engineering industry of Ukraine was analyzed using indicators of share of innovative products, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, the amount of innovation expenditures and investments in fixed assets, the number of new products and processes mastered. Based on the analysis weaknesses in innovation process in engineering industry were revealed and the main ways to fix them and improve the level of innovations for development of companies in this industry were suggested.


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