This article examines the investment model object property market and credit decisions from the perspective of the investor with incomplete prior information about the capacity of the real estate market. In the modern economic development the real estate market affects the efficient functioning of the market system. Today the Ukrainian real estate market is stagnant. Prices are down, and sales are small. There are many models that evaluate the investment. This article will review the investment model, taking into account the demand for Real property. If you do not consider this factor it can lead to exorbitant building of real estate, and as a consequence of a simple property, which will lead to lower prices and thus the loss of income of the investor. In order to avoid this problem, you must take into account the size of the market.

This model will be useful for the investor to determine the size of the loan and its continued investment in real estate in order to maximize profits. It also will help to determine the saturation of the real estate market, which in turn will calculate the required amount of objects which are being built.

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