In this article the retrospective analysis of becoming is considered categories of budgeting and conceptions, which it is characterized, that enabled to define four stages of their existence and evolution: from forming of theory of management and planning in organizations(1970-1980gg.), appearances of conception of the financial planning within the framework of financial management (1980-1988gg.), theory of the budgetary planning as element of internal controlling (1988-1998gg.) to the theory of budgetary management as to modern technology of management an enterprise (1998g. – for a present tense. Perspective directions of scientific developments are offered in part of budgeting, distinctions of looks are underline to budgeting domestic for foreign scientists. Considered questions of intercommunication of strategic management and process of budgeting an enterprise. Directions that must be begun to organization for effective realization of strategic aims by means of the system of the budgetary planning are investigated. Attention on development of the practically-applied tool of implementation of modernization conceptions of budgeting is accented.

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