In the article the process of the liberalization of owner's activity as the composing liberalizations economy, is investigated. Are refined the relationship between the categories “economy”, “owner's activity”, “liberalization of the economy”, “liberalization of owner's activity”. Owner's activity it is defined as the institute of the national economy. The liberalization of owner's activity it is defined as the process of the transformation by the acquired right and organizationally designed system of customs, standards, traditions, purpose of which is shaping of liberal (market) relations in the sphere of the production of economic goods. The organizational- lawful control mechanism of owner's activity at the institutional, administrative, technical level is examined. There is the classification of legislative acts, reports of state administration, normative reports, are determined the subjects for administration and instruments of government at all administrative levels in the article. There is the estimation of the correspondence of the organizational- lawful regulation of owner's activity to the tasks of the liberalization of owner's activity in the article.

Список литературы: 

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