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Проаналізовано класифікацію сучасних концепцій стратегічного управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, які ключовими виділять зовнішні джерела формування конкурентних переваг. Наведено коротку характеристику розглянутих концепцій.
Проанализирована классификация современных концепций стратегического управления инновационным развитием предприятий, выделяющих внешние источники формирования конкурентных преимуществ как ключевые. Приведена краткая характеристика рассмотренных концепций.
Analyzed the classification of modern concepts of strategic management of innovative development of enterprises that produce the key external sources of competitive advantage. Provides a brief description of the considered concepts.
In a knowledge economy is vitally important task for companies is finding new ways to obtain competitive advantages, including a detailed analysis of current trends and concepts of strategic management of innovation development of enterprises, research and describe the processes of innovation and how they generate within the enterprise.
The article analyzes the modern concept of strategic management of innovation development of enterprise, which are basically the assumption of priority importance of external factors in the formation of competitive advantage. In the process of classifying these concepts found that strategic management is characterized by large thematic variety and availability of different views on the process of building a strategy.
Scientific novelty of the results is to determine the chronology of establishing identity and attributes of modern concepts of strategic management of innovation development of enterprises based on finding and using competitive advantages of an external environment of the company.
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