The article deals with the development and justification the methodological features of the investment-innovative based enterprise evolution in the conditions of transformational economy; the methods and forms of its practical implementation; the directions of investment-innovative progress of the national economy determination.
There were also analyzed the reasons of the negative investment-innovative progress dynamics in the industrial sector of the national economy in the period of the years 2005-2012. The features of the security market development were justified and the factors of increase the industrial capital effectiveness were outlined. There also were grounded the conditions and sources of an investment securing the business entity’s technological renovation, restricting and competiveness increase. There was proven, that the security market’s financial potential is defined by the whole range of factors, which reflect its embodied and unrealized condition. Based on the industrial enterprise money savings analysis, there was investigated the structure and dynamics of the main sources of forming the security market’s financial potential. There were given and stated recommendations, related to the implementation the conditions of the security market’s financial potential increase in order to improve an optimization model of the portfolio investment.


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