The article touch upon the issue of the theoretical study and delineation of categorical concepts such as factors (prerequisites) of occurrence the risk, risk-forming factors, the risk situation and risk. Illuminated and brought the dialectical relationship between factors (prerequisites), risk-forming factors and risks, which contributes to the understanding of the nature and risks of the project helps to find adequate management of them. The classification factors (preconditions) occurrence the risk and risk-forming factors are shows. It is noted that the identification of risks should be carried out according to the order of priority for the research object. Determined that the process of investing project risk identification is performed using a systematic approach with respect to the investigated object. On what basis was adjusted risk identification process of investing project in industry, based on the allocation of reasons risk-forming factors and risks and their combination within a specific risk situations. The starting point for risk identification is to determine the most negative event (outcome) in relation to the studied object.
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