In the article the authorial going is offered near development of marketing and logistic conception of industrial enterprise. On an enterprise community of actions of the marketing and logistic systems shows up in implementation of function of physical distribution and development of distributive network as a complex category, that includes distribution, commodity motion and organization of trade from beforehand and then by sale service. From logistic approach a ponderable role in marketing is carried out by organization and management informative streams. It provides a basis for the acceptance of competent decisions in operative and in strategic activity of enterprise for planning of sale activity. Influence of marketing shows up in providing of research of the state of affairs of market, pricing, stimulation of demand on products, and the use of logistic gives an opportunity the best method to decide the question of market distribution, namely, to handle inventories, to organize sale service then, to conduct business negotiations, contract and render additional services in the process of supplying with products, id est., to create the systems of complex maintenance of consumers. Such approach provides to both the producer and consumer of metallic products of removal of contradictions between an effective consumption and rational use of metal and substantial development of rational processes of processing of raw material and making of metallic products due to deepening of specialization each of them.


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