Effective redistribution of financial resources, including investing in promotional projects with developing new brands is impossible without careful planning of financial flows within the company. The decision regarding advertising budget due to the financial capacity and marketing objectives that the company is trying to solve with the help of advertising. In the article a phased a multi-stage procedure of planning the advertising budget is determined by the content of each stage procedure budgeting advertising campaigns is proposed.

Plan your advertising costs by a combined approach should begin with determining cost estimates for the development and production of various formats of advertisements, the cost of buying media and advertising media, advertising agencies' fees, costs of additional market research and more. By the use of advertising costs should be approached flexibly, ie use the budget amount based on the weight of tools and measures. In planning goals may change or be adjusted , but these changes should be logical and meet market demands. The paper proposed the structure and components of the control procedures budgeting advertising. The use of phased monitoring the effectiveness of budget planning is the key to the efficiency of funding for advertising.


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