In the article the level of development of machine-building industry is considered in the conditions of new industrial politics - neoindustrialization. Analysed technological mode of the Ukrainian economy, and prospects of her development. It is educed that the Ukrainian economy is at the level of development of the third technological mode, that is characterized by the use in the industrial production of electric power, development of heavy engineering and electrical engineering industry, priority development of chemical industry. Statistical information is analysed on development of engineer status for 10 last year. Certain factors that influence into place of Ukrainian industry in the international division of labor. Economic factors that influence on the level of development of engineer are separately described. For an engineer a basic factor there is dependence of many industries of industry on resources and energy that is supplied from the countries of the CIS. Certain terms of modernization of modern economy and machine-building industry and passing are to new conception of neoindustrialization.


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