This paper investigates the current state of unprofitable domestic industry dynamics , generalized approach to the definition of the crisis at the plant, the stages of crisis processes in the enterprise.
The author states that the intensity of the impact of these factors is essential for understanding the essence of the crisis of its kind in the operation and development of the company.
Research shows that the deployment phases of the crisis is closely related to the areas of crisis activities. Implementation of mechanisms of crisis management and corresponding strategies are closely related to the deployment phase of the crisis and challenges to be addressed in the process of their application. The company is not just a point to look for a way out of crisis (to locate it), and through the use of tools (diagnostics, assessment of the financial condition, risk monitoring, expert evaluation, etc. ) to identify strategic actions and form of crisis management mechanism . With this strategic decisions should be evidence-based .
The findings indicated that a clear understanding of the depth and causes of the crisis - the basis for the formation mechanism and strategies for crisis management. Direction selecting the strategy depends on proper and timely determination of the typology of crisis, an objective assessment of potential and actual threats and risks, as well as scientifically sound management decisions


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