The purpose of the article is to identify key publications on business excellence model; to present perceptions of excellence in management theory and some different groups of business excellence models; as well as to show benefits and limitations of business excellence models used by organizations.


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19. Platon, Obrona Arystotelesa [in:] Bardel M. (2002), Antologia tekstów filozoficznych, Część I, Wydawnictwo eSPe, Kraków.
20. Politis Y., Litos Ch., Grigoroudis E., Moustakis V.S. (2009), A business excellence model for the hotel sector: implementation to high-class Greek hotels, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4.
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23. Sharma A.K., Talwar B. (2007), Evolution of ‘‘Universal Business Excellence Model’’ incorporating Vedic philosophy, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 11, No. 3.
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25. Talwar B. (2011), Business excellence models and the path ahead . . ., The TQM Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1.
26. Vorria E.P., Bohoris G.A. (2009), Criteria requirements of the European business excellence model: a suggested approach, The TQM Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2.

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