The article is devoted to consideration of modern financial instruments for evaluation of investment attractiveness of enterprise from the standpoint of a potential investor and owner. Determined that the assessment methodology of investment attractiveness of enterprise from a financial point of view should not be limited to the classical evaluation of the financial condition and predict the probability of bankruptcy. Proposed to carry out evaluation of investment attractiveness of enterprise through the integration two modern management concepts: Value-based Management (VBM) and Performance Measurement (PM). It is proposed financial indicators of VBM-model and its key indicator – economic value added (EVA) integrate to Balanced Scorecard model (BSC), namely in its “financial perspective” as a key indicator of efficiency. Designed the list of main and auxiliary financial indicators within “VBM–EVA–BSC” model, which necessary for investor and financial department with its division to strategic and current. Besides of this, submitted the algorithms for calculation key financial indicators of investment attractiveness of enterprise within “VBM–EVA–BSC” model.


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