The article is dedicated to the methodology of the strategic directions of the transition to low-carbon development in Ukraine definition based on expert assessment. It is determined that in present low carbon development that combines priorities in the field of climate change and priorities of national economic development is the basic strategy of sustainable development of any country. The basic steps of the algorithm of expert assessment are selected in the article. It is proved that the formation of expert groups of responding experts who should represent the interests of various 'players' on the energy market (power-producing companies, consumers, investors, NGOs, government and regional authorities) and have an appropriate level of competence is the most important step for the process. Methods of questionnaire and self-rating are used to determine the competence of 14 experts. Results of the study indicate that the level of the degree of consistency of expert opinion is acceptable, that is evidenced by the value of the coefficient of concordance 0.5. Based on the processing of expert assessment the priority directions of transition to low-carbon development in Ukraine are developed in accordance to level of range.

Keywords: sustainability, low carbon economy, strategy, expert assessment


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