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- Українська
Assessed Global Competitiveness Index rankings for the leading countries of the world and certain Participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, for comparison with the national average. Assuming that the index is used by States that are aimed at addressing the problem points to the issue of economic development and used like a tool to analyze and develop strategies for economic growth. Describes the main elements of the index and perform statistics indicators in the period 2011-2012. Given the characteristics changing array of statistics in ranking over the past year. Special attention is paid to the situation in Ukraine, identified three main factors - a critical gap, untapped opportunities and last of factors is competitive advantages in the domestic economy. Alsoin thia article proposed a method of transferring the above factors from macroeconomic level to the microeconomic, with clustered internal and external factors of influence the subjects of economic activity.
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2. The Global Competitiveness Report 2012 - 2011 // World Economic Forum, Centre for Global Competitiveness and Performance. – Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2011. – 553 p.
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