In the article the terms of evolution of conception of price are considered in a postindustrial economic. The basic factors of postindustrial economic, influencing on the evolution of conception prices, to that it is possible to take prevailing of amount of workers, busy in an informative sphere, feature of production, storage and information transfer, increase of stake of transaction charges, are certain. The evolution of conception of price is considered in a postindustrial economic. The analysis of scientific thought is conducted in relation to determination of conception of price and factors of price politics. Essence of displays of factors of pricing is exposed in the conditions of industrial and postindustrial economic. It is educed, that in the traditional pricing basic factors are demand, charges and competition, but in the conditions of postindustrial economic on the cost of commodity the new factors related to availability to information about a commodity begin to influence, by a trust to the brand, emotional charges, id est the process of fixing price takes place in the field of mutual relations. Conceptual positions of price are worked out in the conditions of postindustrial economic, that forming of price is the basis of in the field of appeal. The charges of consumer, that is related to acquisition of commodity, his utility and value, consumer properties of commodity, form the cost of commodity, first of all.


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