The article investigates the methodical bases of working out a model of cognitive diagnostics of probability of enterprises’ bankruptcy. The result of cognitive diagnosis is to determine the probability of enterprises’ bankruptcy based on integral indicator of probability of bankruptcy, which reflects the level of management in five directions, namely: the level of fixed and circulating assets, personnel, financial resources and level of culture of enterprise. It was revealed that cognitive diagnostics of probability of bankruptcy is aimed at cognition about the processes of functioning of business entities based on a study of qualitative and quantitative indicators, its purpose is to assess the current and future state of enterprises based on accounting information and reporting and expert assessments. The system of cognitive diagnostics of probability bankruptcy of business entities is based on structuring of knowledge about the object of research, is applied at presence of incomplete statistical information and is widely used expert interviews. Is proposed to conduct cognitive diagnostics of probability of enterprises’ bankruptcy in two directions, namely: Q- diagnostics of probability of bankruptcy of business entities, based on an assessment of financial performance, and the V- diagnostics of probability of enterprises’ bankruptcy, based on the research of non-financial verbal indicators.


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