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In this article developed methodological basis of assessment of the feasibility of entering the Ukrainian manufacturers of industrial weighing equipment on the international market. The author developed an algorithm for the feasibility study on the international market, a structural analysis of consumers in order to determine the target of the profile that can be oriented enterprise, which goes to the foreign market. Algorithm for the study consists of four main components: analysis of supply, demand analysis, analysis of the competitive environment and model of choice of consumers - through each of which allows the derivation of a decision concerning the feasibility of entering the market, and choose the main methods of conducting foreign trade company. As part of the structural analysis used Wind-Douglas’s model, which allows not only to provide an assessment of the attractiveness of markets, but also to make a comprehensive analysis of their attractiveness, with the influence of the factors and risks. Based on this analysis, the company made the decision about the choice of the market, where it will be able to maximize your profits
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