The basic trends and structural changes in the formation and development of the world market. Factors of influence on recurrence and imbalances of the global financial market. Formulated targets, methods and tools of influence on periods of financial market development. The features of the operation and proposed directions of growth of national financial markets in times of economic crisis. Considered a model of financial market risks in terms of growth and global imbalances. The necessity of reproduction approach to the evaluation of processes regulating domestic financial market globalization. Formulated laws impact of globalization on the development of the financial system. Proved that cycles and imbalances of the global financial market involves the formation of international cooperation, an adequate level of internationalization of the productive forces. The tendency of growth of credit debt actors provoked strategy lending activities of foreign banks. An introduction to the practice of banking national standards of banking with the recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the effective legislation of Ukraine.


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