The article is dedicated to the theoretical and methodological justification the reasons for the innovative-investment activity decay in Ukraine in the conditions of transformative changes heading toward innovative development of economy.
There were analyzed the reasons for the negative dynamics of innovative-investment activity in Ukraine during the period of years 2004-2012 and there was theoretically proved (using projection of innovation activity indicators on the economic conjuncture for the mentioned period) a directly proportional relation of the investments in innovations volume to the business activity level of a branch or an economy. And the point is that, exactly the business activity level happens to be the main factor that determines innovations and not vise-versa: it is the economic cycle phase, which defines the appropriateness investment in innovative goods and, in the same time, magnifies risks of unrefundability and loss due to competitiveness compensation as the result of economic peak.
Based on an objective law of economic conjuncture by N. Kondratiev, there was justified an assumption about the absence of cyclical fluctuation in the certain branches of Ukraine’s economy as the result of their cartel monopolization, which essentially is the reason for the economic depression and the innovative-investment activity decay.
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