Reported the basic information and composition of the group of G20 and the group's top 20 for the economic development. Put the research of the position of the country in the coordinates of indexes of sustainable development. Used to investigate the methodology of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development. It was established the list of countries in both groups are analyzed. Visualized of the accommodation groups of G20 and the TOP-20 in the space of the Index and the Index of Economic dimension of sustainable development and the economic dimension of the Index and the Index of harmonization by components of quality of life and security of life. Analyzed the location in the above expanses in order to find regularities and the distinguishing features for different countries. Proved that the level of economic development for the most developed countries do not fully comply with the provisions concept of sustainable development and the country with slightly lower levels of economic development are more harmonized in the economic, social and environmental components. Described the peculiarities, in the above location of space, and it was given the comparison groups with Ukraine.
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3. WEF [Electronic Resource]: World Ecomomic Forum. – Електрон. дан. (1 файл). – 2011 – Mode of access:
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5. Сайт Світового центру даних з геоінформатики та сталого розвитку [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
6. Національна парадигма сталого розвитку України / за заг. ред. академіка НАН України, д.т.н., проф., засл. діяча науки і техніки України Б. Є. Патона. – К.: Державна установа "Інститут економіки природо¬користування та сталого розвитку Національної академії наук України", 2012. – 72 с.
7. Державна служба статистики України. Статистична iнформацiя: [Електрон. ресурс]. – Режим доступу: