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The article analyzed the criteria for classification of new products both foreign and domestic authors. The system of criteria for the classification of new products, grouped by characteristic product in terms of its novelty. Based on this system, the authors/ Recommended own system of classification criteria that is most adaptable for new products is the industrial market and consists of several blocks characterizing the new product with different aspects, in terms of novelty for consumer and market changes in physical properties of the product and the extent of knowledge of consumers. In the article the results of the practical application of this classification: the case of a new product for the company, which works on the market of processed forest products, has been shown to be classified as being merchandise at the most appropriate classification criteria for the industrial market, namely: the level of knowledge of consumers about new products and the impact on change in consumer behavior, the nature of physical changes or new features goods that are perceived by the consumer and for the degree of novelty for the producer and for the market. The need for inclusion of new products on stage develop criteria to different classifications.
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