In the article the development of Internet technology was examines, in particular it was presented factors that have influence on the spread of Internet technologies in social activities. It was found that these factors have led to the transformation of economic relations in the Internet environment. Also, the basic economic interests pursued by market participants were considered. It was ground possible ways to increase the value added that can be obtained by the manufacturer. So, one of the ways is increasing the efficiency of the asset. To do this, it was consider the use of Internet technologies in the value chain of creation product by M. Porter. Another way is to increase the efficiency of exchange processes, such as increasing their disparity. This can be achieved through the use of Internet technologies. The article describes ways to improve the effectiveness of different types of exchanges by using Internet technologies. It was discovered that marketing activities of the company promotes optimal alignment of economic interests of market participants. And Internet-marketing strategies were presented, that can be used for effective action by the Internet environment.


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