В статті розглянуто види маркетингових ризиків. Проаналізовано стан наукової думки щодо їх типологізації. Запропоновано удосконалене визначення категорії «маркетингові ризики», дістала подальший розвиток класифікація маркетингових ризикі.

В статье рассмотрены виды маркетингових рисков. Проанализировано состояние научной мысли относительно их типологизации. Предложено усовершенствованное определение категории «маркетинговые риски», получила дальнейшее развитие классифиикация маркетинговых рисков.


In the article the types of marketing risks concidered. It is noted that under current conditions modernized the concept of marketing as a reaction to the reduced effectiveness of existing marketing tools and marketing approaches. Therefore there is a need to improve the methodology, techniques and marketing tools, which should help reduce the growing market risks. The state of scientific thought about the species diversity of market risk, the comparative characteristic of different interpretations of the category of "market risks". Significant differences with respect to the position of marketing specialist risks. It is proved that the definition of the category "market risks" should take into account the generic characteristics of marketing as a science. As these symptoms are encouraged to use: the responsibility for solving marketing problems, by identifying the prerequisites of transformation products of labor into a commodity, as well as the complexity and timing of marketing tools. Proposed an improved definition of the category of "market risks", has been further developed typology of market risks. Identified internal and external marketing risks.


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