На основі маркетингового підходу проведений АВСA’B’C’-аналіз розподілу транспортної роботи та кількості перевезених пасажирів поїздами українських залізниць, показані додаткові можливості оптимізації використання рухомого складу.

На основе маркетингового подхода проведен АВСA’B’C’-анализ распределения транспортной работы и количества перевезенных пассажиров поездами украинских железных дорог, показаны возможности оптимизации использования подвижного состава.


The one of the biggest service production problems of railway transport of Ukraine is a high depreciation level of rolling stock. For lack of financing in the near future it can not be decided by purchasing of rolling stock. A lack of passenger carriages is reason of necessity of the hard regulation of their use. From one side, abolitions of trains cause dissatisfaction of passengers, and from other side – the turnover of railways do not cover costs, especially if a ticket is purchased on short distance. Despite of the presence of necessary information, voluntary decisions are accepted in relation to the use of carriages. We had suggested find the balance of customers and railways motivation based on marketing approach. Based at this approach ABC-A’B’C’-analysis of distribution of a transport work and amount carried passengers is conducted by trains of the Ukrainian railways. Found out additional possibilities for optimization of the use of rolling stock. The offered analysis procedure can be integrated in the management decision making process in relation to addition or abolition of passenger trains on certain direction.


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