У статті проаналізовано особливості стимулювання продажів на промисловому ринку. Зокрема, розглянута мотиваційна складова кожного суб’єкта стимулювання продажів в каналі розподілу.

В статье проанализированы особенности стимулирования продаж на промышленном рынке. В частности, рассмотрена мотивационная составляющая каждого субъекта стимулирование продаж в канале распределения.


The features of sales promotions on b2b market are analysed. In particular, a motivational constituent is considered for each subject of sales promotions in the distribution channel.
With the help of sales promotion many companies want to increase the sales volume of their products, to gain new customers to their trade mark and to make stronger positions on the market. The features of sales promotions on b2b market show that target market consists of distributors, dealers and b2b consumers, who need individual approach on each stage of sales process. The difficulty of industrial equipment requires qualified consultations with sales managers; also organizational conditions require specific knowledge and experience on the target market.
On the industrial air-conditioning market distribution channel includes distributor with its dealers’ network, who supply equipment to customers. Sales promotion on b2b market must consider motivational constituent of each subject of target market on each stage of sales process. Distributor must define all this motives and direct sales promotion on its own sales managers, managers in dealers’ companies and on consumers at the same time.


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