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- Українська
На основі якісного аналізу динамічної моделі Леонтьєва з термінальним критерієм та дослідження зв’язаної з нею магістральної теорії було виведено нові теоретичні ре-зультати, що описують поведінку оптимальної траєкторії даної задачі.
На основе анализа динамической модели Леонтьева с терминальным критерием и ис-следования связанной с ней магистральной теории были выведены новые теоретические результаты, описывающие поведение оптимальной траектории данной задачи.
In this work it was carried out a qualitative analysis of the dynamic Leontief’s model with a terminal criterion. In the context of this model it was considered the turnpike theory, which describes certain features of the behavior of its optimal trajectory and present a theorem about existence of the turnpike of this model. It was examined the causes of the appearance of this theory and with it, its main drawback - inability to determine the exact time interval of the proximity of the optimal trajectories and the turnpike. In this work we propose a somewhat different approach to the analysis of the behavior of this trajectory, which allow of finding the exact solution, using method, which is simpler than standard simplex-method for the dynamic models. In addition, it more particularly describes the convergence of this solution to the turnpike. After description of the basic analytical results it was considered a concrete example. It was given the input-output matrix, vector of stocks and vector of prices and it was carried out corresponding numerical calculations, which confirm the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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