The essence of innovation and innovation, innovations proposed division into two types: basic and adaptive. Highlighted the vision of the innovation process as a system of innovation at various levels, which are realized in accordance with the principle of different'speed traffic. The influence of institutional support and monitoring of innovative activities. Singled out the necessary conditions for effective innovation policy by the example of state innovation strategy in Japan, China, the European Union. Was used after the effective unity of three problem areas ' innovation policy,macroregulation and institutional strategy.
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2. Бойко И. Технологическая политика: имитационный сценарий (опыт восточноазиатских стран) [Электронный ресурс] / И. Бойко // Информационно-маркетинговый центр инвестиций. – URL:
3. Оптимизм с оговорками [Электронный ресурс] // Компаньон online. – URL: